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MoviTHERM to exhibit at Inframation 2016

MoviTHERM Scheduled to Attend Inframation 2016

InfraMation is the World’s Largest Thermal Imaging Training Experience. This year it will be held on September 27-29, 2016 in the Rio All-Suite Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Inframation 2016

InfraMation 2016 is a high quality educational and networking conference for infrared thermographers. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned professional, InfraMation is your chance to accelerate your knowledge and proficiency in thermal imaging applications and techniques, learning from the experts in your industry. Join other thermal imaging experts to hone your skills through case studies, short courses, and informative learning labs.

Why attend?

Stay ahead of the curve. Make connections. Share experiences. Learn about new applications, techniques and procedures to make your operation more effective and reliable. Prevent costly down time. Leverage the experience of industry experts. Leave with information you can use on the job immediately to grow your business. Dive deep into expanding and updating your knowledge with numerous technical presentations and clinics.

MoviTHERM to demonstrate its MIO Series of Intelligent I/O module

MoviTHERM will be demonstrating its new MIO Series of Intelligent I/O module for remote monitoring applications. This MIO Series I/O module allows the user to connect up to seven FLIR thermal cameras. Configured regions of interest in each camera will then be automatically monitored by the MIO module for alarm conditions. The MoviTHERM MIO Series of Intelligent I/O modules eliminate the need for a PC and Software typically found in traditional monitoring systems.

Stop by at our booth (#113) to find out how MoviTHERM products and solutions can help you implement remote thermal monitoring systems faster and more cost effective.

Register for Inframation 2016 here, if you haven’t done so already.

2022-06-01T15:02:35-07:00Friday, July 1, 2016|News|

Infrared Imaging Webcast now available on demand

MoviTHERM Hosts Webcast with Vision Systems Design

Webcast infrared imaging - how to choose infrared camera



On June 22nd, 2016, Vision System Design hosted an international webcast on Infrared Imaging – “How to interpret and choose the correct camera for your application”. This webcast was presented by Markus Tarin, President & CEO of MoviTHERM. The topic and webcast was very well received by the audience with over 300 registered participants from over 50 countries around the world.

This webcast is perfect for anybody interested in infrared, non-visible imaging applications, machine vision integrators, researchers and scientists as well as quality assurance professionals that would like to educate themselves about the topic. Infrared imaging is a very complex and fascinating topic. This webcast will provide a broad overview on camera and detector technologies relevant to anybody interested in this subject matter.

Mr. Tarin discussed many topics related to infrared cameras that are important to understand before selecting and purchasing an infrared or thermal camera.

Topics of the Infrared Imaging Webcast included

  • A definition what an infrared camera is
  • How the various Infrared Detector technologies relate to certain regions of the infrared spectrum
  • Application examples for infrared cameras
  • Non-contact temperature measurements using thermography
  • The importance of understanding Emissivity
  • The effect of spatial resolution on accuracy
  • Detector Sensitivity (NETD) & Noise
  • Shutter/Non-Uniformity Calibration flag
  • Considerations for imaging fast moving objects
  • Communications Interface Options
  • Lens Choices
  • Protective Enclosures for IR Cameras
  • ITAR Export Considerations

The webcast concluded with an overview of the most common camera/detector combinations, their approximate price points and typical applications. The conclusion was followed by a lively questions and answer session, moderated by Andy Wilson, Editor in Chief – Vision Systems Design Magazine.

MoviTHERM received many compliments in emails from participants after the live event, including one from Andy Wilson. He wrote:

“Many thanks for such an excellent webcast. It was the best we have held this year. I really appreciate your time and effort.”

The webcast is now available on demand on Vision Systems Design website. Watch this webcast anytime at your convenience. Feel free to contact MoviTHERM with any of your questions regarding infrared imaging and thermography.


2022-06-01T15:01:03-07:00Wednesday, June 22, 2016|News|

Infrared cameras – how to choose the correct one

On June 22nd, 11:00am EST, the Vision Systems Design Magazine will host a webcast focusing on infrared cameras. The webcast is titled:

“Infrared imaging: How to interpret and choose the correct camera for your application.”

and will be presented by Markus Tarin, President & CEO of MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions.

FLIR A615 Infrared Camera

FLIR A615 Infrared Camera

A number of different infrared cameras and options are available in today’s market, for deployment in such applications as machine vision and security and surveillance. Choosing the correct camera, however, is paramount to success.

Markus Tarin will provide an overview of the different types of detectors and materials used to capture NIR, SWIR, and LWIR wavelengths, as well as how to interpret infrared camera specifications to best suite your needs.

Tarin will also provide a look at the different types of cameras available that capture these wavelengths, why to choose a cooled vs. non-cooled camera, and the types of applications that each camera is used for, with a number of specific examples provided. From there, the presentation will finish with a question and answer period.


Markus Tarin, photo

Markus Tarin

Markus Tarin is the President & CEO of MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions located in Irvine, CA, USA. Mr. Tarin has studied Radio and Television Engineering as well as Embedded System Design in Germany, where he graduated in 1996. He has extensive experience with visible and non-visible imaging, especially in the Near Infrared (NIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), Midwave Infrared (MWIR) and Long Wave Infrared (LWIR). Tarin was the lead architect on many product development projects for defense, research, medical and industrial applications. Through his company he has commercialized many of these developments for remote monitoring, automated thermal imaging and non-destructive testing. MoviTHERM is a FLIR Systems, Inc. Distributor and Integrator.

About Vision Systems Design

Published since 1996, Vision Systems Design is a global resource for engineers, engineering managers and systems integrators that provides comprehensive global coverage of vision systems technologies, applications, and markets. Vision Systems Design’s magazine, website (www.vision-systems.com), email newsletters and webcasts report on and analyze the latest technology and business developments and trends in the worldwide machine vision and image processing industry.

Register Today!

2016-12-07T20:01:23-08:00Tuesday, May 24, 2016|News|

MoviTHERM receives the Innovators Award 2016

MoviTHERM MIO Receives the Innovators Award 2016

Irvine, CA, USA – 05/02/2016

Innovators Award 2016

Markus Tarin, President & CEO of MoviTHERM, receiving the Innovators Award 2016

MoviTHERM, an industry leader for thermal imaging products and solutions, announced today that its MIO Series Intelligent I/O modules for FLIR cameras has been recognized as an industry-best product in the Vision Systems Design 2016 Innovators Award Program.

A panel of highly respected judges, consisting of experts from systems integrators and end-user companies, awarded MoviTHERM with a silver level award.

Innovators Award 2016

The Innovators Award 2016

“Multi-camera thermal monitoring systems traditionally required a very complex and costly infrastructure to operate. This infrastructure typically consists of industrial PCs, monitoring software, digital and analog I/O all integrated into a large electrical cabinet. These systems are costly to acquire and to maintain. Relying on a standard PC architecture for a fire detection or critical vessel monitoring system is a risky proposition. Our MIO Series Intelligent I/O module addresses all these issues, “said Markus Tarin, President & CEO, MoviTHERM. “Being recognized as a top innovator in our industry is an absolute honor. It further underlines the performance, ingenuity and cost benefits that we deliver to our customers.”

MoviTHERM’s MIO Series Intelligent I/O module (“MIO”) turns FLIR cameras instantly into a complete monitoring system. The MIO I/O modules eliminate the need for a PC, Software, programming or a complicated infrastructure.

MIO 8 Channel Unit

MoviTHERM’s MIO Series Intelligent I/O module

There are two models of the MIO, one for FLIR AX8 cameras and one for FLIR A310(f) cameras. The MIO module has a built-in webserver that allows for easy configuration without the need for additional software. Each module comes with 8 digital alarm outputs and 8 Channels of 4 to 20mA outputs. These outputs can be assigned to any of the connected cameras. Once the MIO is connected to one or more cameras, it starts monitoring the camera’s internal region of interest. Each MIO Series Intelligent I/O module supports up to seven FLIR cameras. Systems can be easily expanded by adding additional MIO modules.

“On behalf of the Vision Systems Design Innovator Awards 2016, I congratulate MoviTHERM on their silver award,” said Vision Systems Design Editor in Chief, Andy Wilson.

Learn more about the MoviTHERM MIO

About MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions

MoviTHERM is an authorized FLIR Systems, Inc. distributor, integrator, solutions provider and product development company. The company offers thermal cameras and thermal imaging solutions for remote monitoring, automated imaging and non-destructive testing. Industries served are: Aerospace, General Manufacturing, Steel, Food, Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Automotive, Academia, Paper & Plastic and others.

For more information, contact:

Markus Tarin, President & CEO
MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions
Tel: +1.949.699.6600, ext. 111
Email: info@movitherm.com
Twitter: @movitherm

About Vision Systems Design

Published since 1996, Vision Systems Design is a global resource for engineers, engineering managers and systems integrators that provides comprehensive global coverage of vision systems technologies, applications, and markets. Vision Systems Design’s magazine, website, email newsletters and webcasts report on and analyze the latest technology and business developments and trends in the worldwide machine vision and image processing industry.

About The Vision Systems Design 2016 Innovators Awards program

The Vision Systems Design 2016 Innovators Awards program reviews and recognized the most innovative products and services in the vision and image processing industry. High-scoring companies were announced at The Vision Show held in Boston, MA, USA on May 3-5, 2016. Criteria used in the Innovators Awards ranking included: originality, innovation; impact on designers, systems integrators and end-users; fulfilling a need in the market that hasn’t been addressed, leveraging a novel technology, and increasing productivity.

2023-10-03T15:16:24-07:00Monday, May 2, 2016|News|

MoviTHERM releases new product for remote monitoring

MoviTHERM MIO Series Intelligent I/O Module

Irvine, CA – April 15th, 2016

mio a310MoviTHERM announced today the release of a new product targeting remote monitoring applications. The MIO Series Intelligent I/O module (“MIO”) is an Ethernet-based thermal imaging module designed to work with FLIR® AX8 or A310(f) thermal cameras.

The MIO I/O module provides connected FLIR® cameras with the ability to alarm if a configured temperature threshold is being breached. The MoviTHERM MIO I/O module automatically connects to any of the configured FLIR® cameras on the network, looks up the designated region or area of interest (ROI), and starts monitoring. The MIO can also output an analog 4 to 20mA current loop signal per each region of interest, thus providing the user with process control options. The alarm outputs as well as the current loop outputs are being updated in real-time in this embedded monitoring solution.

An intuitive web server interface provides the user with a quick and easy way to configure or change alarm thresholds.

“The MoviTHERM MIO Series Intelligent I/O module turns FLIR® cameras instantly into a remote monitoring system!” adds Markus Tarin, President and CEO of MoviTHERM.

MoviTHERM MIO diagramMoviTHERM’s MIO I/O Module eliminates the need for running monitoring software on a PC. It greatly simplifies the architecture and infrastructure that is typically required for a multi-camera monitoring system. A remote monitoring system based on the MoviTHERM MIO I/O module is easily scalable without adding significant cost or complexity. Each MIO supports up to seven cameras. To monitor more cameras or to extend the I/O, simply add more MIO I/O modules.

Utilizing the MoviTHERM MIO I/O module for remote monitoring applications completely removes the complexities associated with thermal imaging and software engineering. The user can finally focus on what is important without the learning curve, programming, or hiring an engineering company.

Contact MoviTHERM today to get started with your own thermal monitoring system!

2022-06-01T14:57:22-07:00Friday, April 15, 2016|News|

MoviTHERM Introduces a Portable NDT Inspection System

MoviTHERM announces the debut of C-CheckIR, a portable NDT inspection system.

The new, easy-to-use system requires no specialized training and is controlled using a tablet PC and intuitive software interface. More cost-effective than similarly-capable ultrasonic inspection systems, the new C-CheckIR system brings active thermographic NDT inspection within reach for entirely new market sectors.

Portable NDT inspection SystemThe C-CheckIR controller software includes inspection presets for common composite materials, such as carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP/CRP) and glass reinforced plastic (GRP). This enables operators to start measuring immediately. Inspection parameters are completely adjustable, enabling custom configurations, but the majority of standard inspections will require only minimal set-up prior to obtaining useful results.

Measurements are completed in just a few seconds. The integrated optical excitation source provides thermal excitation to the sample under test. The system’s thermal camera captures a sequence of inspection images for analysis. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of an image, graphically revealing the internal structure of the inspected material. Typical defects such as delaminated regions are easily identified in the resulting image.

Unlike other thermographic inspection devices that are designed for stationary operation, C-CheckIR is designed for portability. The entire system is compact and fits in a single ruggedized transport case. The system’s inspection head is mounted on a lightweight, aluminum support frame. Vacuum-powered suction-cup feet enable operators to inspect objects and surfaces in any position, and at any arbitrary angle, including vertical or under-side surfaces. Pressing a button engages the vacuum, fixing the inspection frame firmly to the surface under test.

Both flexible and portable, C-CheckIR Portable NDT System is ideal for Service Providers who routinely perform on-site NDT inspections at remote locations. The system is suitable for aerospace, automotive, wind energy, marine, automotive, and other types of industrial clients who need a quick and reliable NDT inspection solution.

Learn More about MoviTHERM’s C-CheckIR NDT System

2022-11-11T10:48:43-08:00Thursday, May 2, 2013|News|

NASA awards Contract for Non-Destructive Test System

September 14th, 2011 – Irvine, CA, USA

NASA Awards MoviTHERM a Contract for an Infrared NDT System

The NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX has awarded MoviTHERM Advanced Thermography Solutions a contract for an infrared non-destructive test (NDT) system for the purpose of testing advanced composite structures and materials.

NASA Composite example

Left image: Composite Panel, on right: Impact damage made visible using MoviTHERM’s CompositeCheck System

The NDT test system uses a thermal camera from FLIR Systems, Inc. and various thermal excitation sources. Halogen lamp arrays and Xenon flash lamps induce a low temperature thermal wave into the surface of the composite material. The system then analyzes the reflected thermal wave over time and is able to detect defects and inhomogeneities in the makeup of the material.

The NDT known as  “CompositeCheck” uses a Lockin Thermography method for enhanced sensitivity to highlight material defects such as voids, foreign material inclusions, impact damages and delaminated areas.

From the international space station to the recently announced space launch system program, a super rocket – more and more conventional materials are being replaced in favor of composites. However, despite all the advantages that composite materials offer, there are also significant challenges in the manufacturing process that demand new inspection technologies.

“This system will significantly enhance NASA’s ability for performing non-destructive tests on complex composite structures beyond that what can be achieved with traditional ultrasound NDT systems.” says Markus Tarin, President & CEO of MoviTHERM.

2022-06-01T14:54:38-07:00Wednesday, September 14, 2011|News|
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