Our Article on Induction Seal vs Heat Seal Makes Headlines in Manufacturing Tomorrow
Manufacturing Tomorrow, a leading online publication covering the latest trends and technologies in the manufacturing industry, has published our article titled “Induction Seal vs Heat Seal: What’s the difference?“. The article compares and contrasts the two sealing methods commonly used in the packaging industry, providing insights into the pros and cons of each method.
With a focus on helping manufacturers make informed decisions when choosing between induction sealing and heat sealing, the article has garnered positive feedback from industry experts and professionals alike. We are thrilled to see our article featured on Manufacturing Tomorrow and look forward to continuing to provide valuable insights to the manufacturing community.
You can read the article on Manufacturing Tomorrow’s website.

About MoviTHERM
MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions was founded in 1999. The company offers solutions for plastic welding, package sealing, and non-destructive testing. In addition, MoviTHERM provides IoT Cloud monitoring solutions for thermal imaging applications for early fire detection, machine condition monitoring, and other applications. MoviTHERM is a Teledyne FLIR Premium Partner and master distributor for FLIR Thermal Cameras for automation and science applications.