A Message to our Customers, Vendors, Partners, and Employees
These are very challenging times, no doubt! Every day there are new developments, new directives, new surprises. Just when we are trying to make sense of yesterday’s news, there is another news update, another story, another text from a friend that creates additional uncertainty.
The level of anxiety and fear is through the roof. You can feel the tension in the air. People are glued to social media for any new bit of information to rationalize how and why things are changing so rapidly.
I want to personally assure our customers, vendors and business partners that you can continue to count on us!
I also want to send a special THANK YOU to our employees and their families for coming together and recognizing the challenges ahead! And for stepping up with a can-do attitude!
I know I can count on all of you and I know together we will make it through this crisis! We will come out stronger than ever on the other end! I am proud to work with a very special group of people.
In anticipation of this rapidly evolving situation, we have implemented an emergency business continuity plan. We have the right technology and the right people in place to minimize any business disruption, no matter the scenario. We will closely monitor any changes, continually evaluate any possible impact and adjust accordingly!
We are communicating daily with all our vendors to mitigate supply chain challenges. With our customers, we are working on pro-active action plans to make the best use of our time, while we are not permitted to be onsite. This will help speed things along, once these restrictions have been lifted.
To all our customers:
“We appreciate your business and trust in us even more than ever!”.
You have my personal guarantee and promise that you can count on us!
Markus Tarin, President & CEO, MoviTHERM
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About MoviTHERM
MoviTHERM – Advanced Thermography Solutions was founded in 1999. The company offers solutions for plastic welding, package sealing, and non-destructive testing. In addition, MoviTHERM provides IoT Cloud monitoring solutions for thermal imaging applications for early fire detection, machine condition monitoring, and other applications. MoviTHERM is a Teledyne FLIR Premium Partner and master distributor for FLIR Thermal Cameras for automation and science applications.