Managing Alarm Thresholds on the iTL Cloud Platform
Learn How to Set and Configure Temperature Thresholds and Notifications for Effective Alarm Management
Managing alarms and alerts is critical for ensuring the proper functioning of you iTL platform and the safety of your facility. In this article, we will guide you through the process of updating and managing the alarm thresholds on your iTL platform. We will cover different alert types, temperature thresholds, and notification settings, and provide step-by-step instructions for setting up and managing the thresholds. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to manage your alarms on the iTL platform, ensuring that you are alerted in a timely manner in case of any critical events.
Video Overview
Alarm Thresholds
Each device temperature endpoint has an alarm threshold, which can be set individually in the alerts configuration page of the iTL platform. It’s important to note that the same configuration page is used to set up email and phone notifications for each alert. Therefore, these configurations should be edited carefully by users with administration privileges, especially if there’s any doubt about the alert configuration in your facility.
Types of Alerts
A device can have two types of alerts: critical temperature threshold and warning temperature threshold. The critical temperature threshold indicates a fire alarm and should be limited to one per device endpoint. On the other hand, the warning temperature threshold is for non-critical notification use, providing situational awareness and early warning. Multiple warning thresholds can be set per endpoint.
Accessing Critical Temperature Threshold Settings
To access the critical temperature threshold settings, log in to the MoviTHERM iTL Cloud platform page with a user who has administration privileges.
Click on the settings page located on the top right with the gear icon, navigate to alarms on the left-hand side, then click on alerts.
Click on the add button to add an alert, and define alerts for each device.
If a device doesn’t have a configured alert, the reported data won’t trigger a notification.
Configuring Critical Temperature Thresholds
After clicking the add button, you’ll be given different options and settings to configure.
First, choose the endpoint option, click and choose the device you want to add an alert to, then click on the variable option.
Choose temperature for the condition, and select greater than option with the temperature set at a value where fire is considered likely determined for use specific setting for normal condition.
Choose lower than option with the temperature set at a value that is determined to be at the highest normal temperature range.
The severity level option should be set to medium high, which is reserved for device offline alarms.
Notifications can be sent via email, SMS, or phone call if enabled at the facility. These are configured in the notification tab of the alert to ensure proper notification.
Please note that the following contacts entered in an alert will be notified for that alert, which is configured for a single device.
Phone numbers should include the country code for both voice alerts and SMS.
Voice alerts, if enabled, may come from new phone numbers each time depending on the region.
Email notifications may appear in spam, so it’s recommended to whitelist
Adding/Configuring Non-Critical Temperature Thresholds
Alerts with severity set to low and without the gateway tag are considered non-critical but still important for situational awareness. Warning thresholds can be set per device, so relevant personnel can be notified separately of rising temperatures before they reach a critical threshold. There’s virtually no limit to the number of low severity alarms that can be configured per device.
To add/configure non-critical temperature thresholds, click on the add button. You’ll be given different options and settings to configure.
First, choose the endpoint option, click and choose the device you want to add an alert to, then click on the variable option.
Choose temperature for the condition, and select greater than option with the temperature set at a value where a low severity alert is considered likely for normal condition.
Choose lower than option with the temperature set at a value that is determined to be the highest normal temperature range.
The severity level option should be set to low if you like to delay the alert being triggered after a condition has been observed for a specific time.
Properly managing and updating alarm thresholds is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and safety on the iTL platform. In this tutorial, we have covered the different types of alerts, temperature thresholds, and notification settings. We have also walked you through the process of setting up and managing thresholds, including critical and non-critical temperature thresholds. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your devices are configured with the appropriate temperature thresholds and notifications to keep your facility safe and running smoothly. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at